Fortnight accordi e testo Taylor Swift per chitarra e PDF GRATIS. Fortnight accordi

Difficoltà di esecuzione del brano: Media
Tonalità accordi della canzone: SOL

Fortnight accordi e testo Taylor Swift

Testo e accordi Fortnight

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SOL DO RE I was supposed to be sent away SIm MIm But they forgot to come and get me DO RE I was a functioning alcoholic SOL MIm 'Til nobody noticed my new aesthetic DO RE SIm All of this to say, I hope you're okay MIm But you're the reason DO RE And no one here's to blame SOL MIm But what about your quiet treason? DO RE And for a fortnight there we were forever SIm MIm Run into you sometimes ask about the weather DO RE Now you're in my backyard turned into good neighbors SOL Your wife waters flowers, MIm I want to kill her DO RE All my mornings are Monday stuck SIm MIm in an endless February DO RE I took the miracle move on drug, SOL MIm the effects were temporary DO RE And I love you, it's ruining my life SIm MIm (And I love you, it's ruining my life) DO RE I touched you for only a fortnight SOL (I touched you) MIm But I touched you DO RE And for a fortnight there we were forever SIm MIm Run into you sometimes ask about the weather DO RE Now you're in my backyard turned into good neighbors SOL MIm Your wife waters flowers, I want to kill her DO RE And for a fortnight there we were together SIm MIm Run into you sometimes comment on my sweater DO RE Now you're at the mailbox turned into good neighbors SOL MIm My husband is cheating, I want to kill him DO RE I love you, it's ruining my life, SIm MIm I love you, it's ruining my life DO RE I touched you for only a fortnight, SOL MIm I touched you, I touched you DO RE I love you, it's ruining my life, SIm MIm I love you, it's ruining my life DO RE I touched you for only a fortnight, SOL MIm I touched you, I touched you DO RE Thought of calling you but you won't pick up SIm MIm Another fortnight lost in America DO RE Move to Florida, buy the car you want SOL MIm But it won't start up 'til you touch, touch, touch me DO RE Thought of calling you but you won't pick up SIm MIm Another fortnight lost in America DO RE Move to Florida, buy the car you want SOL But it won't start up 'til you MIm SOL touch, touch, touch you

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Fortnight è un singolo della cantante statunitense Taylor Swift, pubblicato il 19 aprile 2024 come primo estratto dall’undicesimo album in studio The Tortured Poets Department.

Il brano, che vede la collaborazione di Post Malone, è stato scritto dai due stessi interpreti insieme a Jack Antonoff, che ne è anche il produttore insieme alla stessa interprete.

Sopra trovi Testo e accordi della canzone Fortnight The Dust ma se ti piace Taylor Swift, puoi provare a suonare altre canzoni simili o comunque interessanti.

Fortnight – Video

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